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Čo o nás ľudia hovoria
Thank you for designing such a great game
“We loved it!!!!!!! This simplicity of the game but the strategic element of it made it an all around huge hit with us. The construction of the pieces are great and sturdy. We are so looking forward to the completion of Myraclia.”
It's just a brilliant little game
….you can teach it in about like 5 minutes to your friends but then layers of the onion start peeling and they start seeing how much depth the game really has….
Lance Myxter
It's going to hit our table frequently!
My family played our first game of this last night and loved it!
Beautiful, beautiful, elegant design of this it!
Fun, engaging, interactive in the same way for 2p as for 5p... Drafting is very unique... Almost no downtime...
Branislav Berec
The wooden game pieces are beautiful
The game was very exciting and only the tie-breaker decided about the winner…Very clearly written and easy to understand rules…
Arne de Cnodder

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